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Conflicts resolutions in Africa

  • ECTS

    5 crédits

  • Code Apogée


  • Composante(s)

    UFR Sciences des Territoires et de la Communication

  • Période de l'année

    Semestre 2


This module aims to address geopolitical issues in Africa using a specific methodology.

Following Yves Lacoste's conception, the geopolitical approach deals with rivalries of power over territories.

Case studies deals with various topics, such as informal street trading or conflict related with minorities, or boarders.

During the session, students will carry out multi-scale analyses based on the diatope method (Lacoste, 2008).

The geopolitical approach is used through the notions of territory, actor, resource, representation, power relation and scale.

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Heures d'enseignement

  • Conflicts resolutions in Africa - TDTravaux Dirigés18h