60 crédits
UFR Sciences des Territoires et de la Communication
Introduction à la géopolitique
5 créditsMapping african urban dynamics
5 créditsTropical Agriculture et Sustainable Development
5 créditsDemographic Growth and Social Challenges
5 créditsPolitical and Security Challenges in Africa
5 créditsInvesting in Africa
5 crédits
Demographic growth and social challenges
6 créditsAfrican geopolitics
15 créditsEcopolitics in Africa
5 créditsSpatial justice and urban services
5 créditsConflicts resolutions in Africa
5 crédits
Mini-mémoire, méthodologie de recherche
3 créditsCartographie assistée par ordinateur
3 créditsLangue disciplinaire 2
3 créditsFacultatif
Introduction à la géopolitique
5 crédits
UFR Sciences des Territoires et de la Communication
Période de l'année
Semestre 1
Le cours propose une relecture géopolitique du monde contemporain.
Cette approche géopolitique combine deux définitions, celle qui insiste sur les politiques de puissances en lien avec la géographie (Cohen) et celle qui consiste en l'analyse des rivalités de pouvoirs sur des territoires (Lacoste).
Ce cours donne d'abord des clefs théoriques de l'analyse géopolitique puis propose une analyse diachronique montrant le passage du paradigme idéologique de la guerre froide au paradigme identitaire de nouveau désordre international.
Ce cours s'appuie sur une grande quantité de situations approchées notamment par les cartes et les représentations des acteurs géopolitiques.
Mapping african urban dynamics
5 crédits
UFR Sciences des Territoires et de la Communication
Période de l'année
Semestre 3
Tropical Agriculture et Sustainable Development
5 crédits
UFR Sciences des Territoires et de la Communication
Période de l'année
Semestre 1
The economic weight of the agricultural sector (30% of the GDP and 60% of the jobs) as well as its contribution to territorial development and identity building makes it tremendously important to analyse.
Moreover, because no other economic activity has the strength to reduce poverty the way agriculture does, Africa’s future partly relies on the capability of small-scale family farms to address demographic growth, urbanisation process and environmental challenges.
It is therefore crucial that students be made aware of the SWOT of agriculture changes, projects and policies.
They will observe and analyse different agriculture types and learn different research methods (RRA) or approaches (Livelihood approach or Terroir approach).
The goal is to understand scenarios towards the “Double green Revolution” and “smart agriculture” based on agro-ecological and GAP.
One of the sessions will rely on “Wat-a-Game” to understand how a simulation game can be useful for research as well as for sustainable development planning.
Demographic Growth and Social Challenges
5 crédits
UFR Sciences des Territoires et de la Communication
Période de l'année
Semestre 1
This course offers a set of case studies related to health issues in Africa.
It focuses on research and development issues, for example by questioning categories (programmatic, epidemiological, action categories).
It deals with various themes such as measures against HIV, measures about sexual health, female genital mutilation, and the management of acute malnutrition affecting young children.
It promotes research programs and partnerships between researchers and humanitarians to improve the health of populations.
Political and Security Challenges in Africa
5 crédits
UFR Sciences des Territoires et de la Communication
Période de l'année
Semestre 1
This course module provides the students with political science tools and theories to decipher politics and security issues in Africa.
A systematic investigation of those tools, theories and classification with case studies allows students to discuss both African situations and the capacity of models and theories to deal with those African situations.
Investing in Africa
5 crédits
UFR Sciences des Territoires et de la Communication
Période de l'année
Semestre 1
The general objective of this course is to provide insights into various important dimensions of investment in Africa.
The course will seek to provide the students with essential knowledge tools and critical thinking in the nature and modalities of development engagement and private investment in Africa, as well as the underlying opportunities and challenges.
The course will explore selected papers from academic literatures in economics and political economy, as well as grey literatures from international institutions (UN agencies, World Bank, WTO, AfDB…), and independent organizations or private institutions (think tanks, consultancies, businesses, etc.).
Each class session (2,5 hours) will be dedicated to discussing a specific topic.
Tentative topics to be covered are:
- Afro-pessimism vs Afro-optimism: What are the market prospects for investing in Africa ?
- Development aid, PPPs and investment in African infrastructures: China and others.
- Investing in natural resources in Africa: Issues and challenges for governments.
- Investing in and for African agriculture.
- Entrepreneurship and small and medium enterprises in Africa.
- Regional trade, global value chains, and impacts of FDI on the productive transformation in Africa.
- New policy standards for attracting FDI in Africa: institutional reforms, EPZs and investment agencies.
Students will be exposed to theoretical, empirical and policy discussions in the course, and whenever relevant, business perspectives and insights on political settlements on the topic will be presented.
In order to encourage proactive engagement in class discussions, reverse class methods will be used.
Each class will start with an oral presentation by a group of students based on various types of assignments: synthesis of the literature, policy diagnostic, simulated debate, statistical note …
Course evaluation will consist of homework/assignments, and in-class evaluations.
Demographic growth and social challenges
6 crédits
UFR Sciences des Territoires et de la Communication
Période de l'année
Cours porté par le master MIDAF.
African geopolitics
15 crédits
UFR Sciences des Territoires et de la Communication
Période de l'année
Semestre 2
Ecopolitics in Africa
5 crédits
UFR Sciences des Territoires et de la Communication
Période de l'année
Semestre 2
The “Ecopolitics in Africa” module is devoted to an approach to Africa in terms of political ecology.
It focuses on tensions, conflicts and political and diplomatic regulations around issues of two types/scales: on the one hand, localized and circumscribed issues such as issues around water and land or issues related to protected areas and on the other hand, more global issues related to climate change and its tropical and African repercussions and the negotiations they feed and the way in which African States and actors participate in them.
Spatial justice and urban services
5 crédits
UFR Sciences des Territoires et de la Communication
Période de l'année
Semestre 2
Urban development in Africa is a central question for anyone who wants to understand the complex relationships between the immediate needs of the population, the mechanisms of service provision and the exercice of public authority (demand / delivery / regulation).
By focusing on the provision of basic urban amenities and services, this course will encourage the students to develop a critical approach mobilising both general theories of justice and concrete case studies.
Students are expected to engage with a wide variety of materials ranging from legal frameworks to community-led initiatives, and from practitioners’ reports to more reflective academic literature.
Conflicts resolutions in Africa
5 crédits
UFR Sciences des Territoires et de la Communication
Période de l'année
Semestre 2
This module aims to address geopolitical issues in Africa using a specific methodology.
Following Yves Lacoste's conception, the geopolitical approach deals with rivalries of power over territories.
Case studies deals with various topics, such as informal street trading or conflict related with minorities, or boarders.
During the session, students will carry out multi-scale analyses based on the diatope method (Lacoste, 2008).
The geopolitical approach is used through the notions of territory, actor, resource, representation, power relation and scale.
Mini-mémoire, méthodologie de recherche
3 crédits
UFR Sciences des Territoires et de la Communication
Période de l'année
Semestre 2
Les étudiants travaillent sur les méthodes de recherche en sciences sociales.
L’accent est mis sur les méthodes qualitatives.
A partir d’un sujet de recherche, l’objectif est de suivre les étapes de la recherche : question de départ, exploration, problématique, construction du modèle d’analyse, observation, analyse des informations, conclusions de la recherche.
Le travail de terrain est réalisé sur la métropole bordelaise et est en lien avec les études africaines.
Le livrable est un mini-mémoire.
Cartographie assistée par ordinateur
3 crédits
UFR Sciences des Territoires et de la Communication
Période de l'année
Semestre 2
Cet enseignement permet aux étudiants d'acquérir les concepts, méthodes et techniques de la cartographie thématique.
Il détaillera les différentes étapes de l’élaboration d’une carte en fonction de ses objectifs : la collecte et le traitement des données du contenant et du contenu, les règles de la sémiologie graphique, les différentes représentations cartographiques selon le type d'implantation spatiale et la mise en page et production technique.
Les travaux dirigés permettront également aux étudiants de se familiariser avec la langue allemande, afin de les préparer à leur séjour au 3ème semestre à l'Université de Bayreuth.
Langue disciplinaire 2
3 crédits
UFR Sciences des Territoires et de la Communication
Période de l'année
Semestre 2
Langue disciplinaire 2 : l'Afrique et le genre
3 crédits
UFR Sciences des Territoires et de la Communication
Période de l'année
Semestre 2
Cours porté par le master MIDAF.