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From the age of improvement to globalization: the evolution

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    UFR Langues et Civilisations

  • Période de l'année

    Semestre 1


The aim of this course is to give students an overview of the history of the English-speaking world from the end of the eighteenth century to the onset of globalization, during the twentieth. We shall study such themes as the slave-trade, industrial revolution, imperial expansion, military conflict, the Commonwealth, and culture and identity. The course is designed to help students understand the major ideas, events and social/political movements which have sometimes brought the English-speaking countries together, and sometimes driven them apart. The main objective is to provide students with a synthesis of the evolution of the ‘British World’ and to enable them to understand better how the challenges of a more diverse international system have progressively and profoundly affected the character and geopolitical role of the United Kingdom.

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Contrôle des connaissances

Students attending classes will be required to do an oral presentation during the course and a written assignment to be handed in by the end of the semester. For students who are not required to attend classes: a written assignment to be handed in by the end of the semester; in addition, a specific oral exam will be organised for these students at the end of the semester.

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Informations complémentaires

Ouvert aux étudiant·es en mobilité sous réserve du nombre de places disponibles.

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  • Berthezène, Clarisse, et al. Le monde britannique : 1815-1931. Paris : Belin 2010.
  • Bonnet, Christian. Le Royaume-Uni de 1837 à 1914. De l’époque victorienne à la Grande Guerre. Paris : Nathan, 1997.
  • Burton, Antoinette. At home with the empire: metropolitan culture and the imperial world. Cambridge University press 2006.
  • Campbell, Chloe. Race and Empire: Eugenics in Colonial Kenya. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2007.
  • Cannadine, David. Ornamentalism: How the British Saw their Empire. London: Penguin, 2002.
  • Chapman, James & Nicholas J. Cull, Projecting Empire: Imperialism and Popular Cinema, London & New York, I. B. Tauris, 2009
  • Colley, Linda. Britons: Forging the Nation 1707-1837. New Haven (Conn.): YUP, 1992.
  • Crystal, David. The Cambridge Encyclopaedia of the English Language. 2nd edition. Cambridge: CUP, 1995.
  • Dalziel, Nigel and John M. Mackenzie. The Penguin Historical Atlas of the British Empire. London: Penguin, 2006.
  • Darwin, John. The End of the British Empire: the Historical Debate. Oxford: Blackwell, 1991.
  • Dickinson, Harry, Thomas (ed.). A Companion to Eighteenth-Century Britain. Oxford: Blackwell, 2006.
  • Duby, Georges (ed.). Atlas historique mondial. Paris: Larousse, 2006.
  • Frison, Danièle, et al. Expansion of the Anglo-American World 1688-1900. Paris: Ellipses, 2000.
  • Grimal, Henri. De l'Empire britannique au Commonwealth. Paris : Armand Colin, 1999.
  • Halévy, Élie. Histoire du peuple anglais au XIXe siècle. Paris : Hachette, 1912-1946.
  • Jarrige, François et al. Le Monde britannique 1815-1931. Paris: Bréal, 2009.
  • Kennedy, Paul. The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers. Economic Change and Military Conflict from 1500 to 2000. New York: Vantage, 1989.
  • Marshall, P. J. The Cambridge Illustrated History of the British Empire. CUP, 1996.
  • Mattoso, Katia, M de Queiros. L’Angleterre et le monde XVIIIe-XXe siècle : l’histoire entre l’économique et l’imaginaire : hommage à François Crouzet. Paris : l’Harmattan, 1999. 
  • Norel, Philippe. L’Histoire Économique globale. Paris: Seuil, 2013.
  • Overy, Richard. The Morbid Age: Britain and the Crisis of Civilisation, 1919 - 1939: Britain Between the Wars. Allen Lane, 2009.
  • Porter, Roy. Enlightenment: Britain and the Creation of the Modern World. London: Penguin, 2000.
  • Porter, Roy. English Society in the Eighteenth Century. London: Penguin Books, 1991.
  • Price, Richard. Making Empire. Colonial Encounters and the Creation of Imperial Rule in Nineteenth Century Africa, Cambridge University Press, 2008.
  • Tharoor, Shashi. Inglorious empire: what the British did to India. Hurst & Company 2017.
  • Wiener, Martin J. English culture and the decline of the industrial spirit, 1850-1980. Cambridge University Press 1981.
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