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Philosophie en langue anglaise

  • ECTS

    3 crédits

  • Code Apogée


  • Composante(s)

    UFR Humanités

  • Période de l'année

    Semestre 1


Enseignant : Joseph Urbas

Introduction to Ethics

We shall be using as our primary textbook Simon Blackburn's Being Good. We shall read the three major parts of the book—"Seven Threats to Ethics," "Some Ethical Ideas," and "Foundations"—in their proper order.  Weekly writing and discussion exercises will be based on specific passages or themes in each part.  

We shall also be taking a look at some of themes in Blackburn's general introduction to philosophy, Think—in particular free will, the self, God, and what to do?—as they relate to practical reasoning.  Finally, we shall also be familiarizing ourselves with the technical vocabulary in ethical philosophy as we conduct a survey of three major currents of moral theory—virtue ethicsdeontological theories, and consequentialism—and their relations. 

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  1. To give students a good grasp of the major concepts, issues, and currents in moral philosophy as presented and discussed in English.
  2. To learn to recognize the limits and biases inherent in an "Introduction to …" as a genre of philosophical writing.
  3. To acquire a method of close reading of philosophical prose in English.
  4. To develop discussion and writing skills in English on philosophical themes, combining both technical and everyday terms.
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Heures d'enseignement

  • Philosophie en langue anglaise - CMCours Magistral18h
  • Philosophie en langue anglaise - TDTravaux Dirigés18h

Contrôle des connaissances

1ère session

Etudiants en régime général : 50% contrôle continu (exercices réalisés en TD ou à la maison) +  50% examen écrit terminal.

Etudiants en régime spécial : examen écrit terminal
 2ème session (rattrapage) 

Etudiants en régime général et spécial : examen écrit terminal

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Simon Blackburn, Being Good: A Short Introduction to Ethics, Oxford University Press

N.B.  Students must buy this book and bring their own personal copy to class. 

Recommended in addition:

Simon Blackburn, Think: A Compelling Introduction to Philosophy , Oxford University Press

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