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  • ECTS

    2 crédits

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    UFR Langues et Civilisations

  • Période de l'année

    Semestre 2


Like it or not, English is now firmly established as the lingua franca of science. Since you are being trained to “do research” in general linguistics – a subject you certainly like and are reasonably good at – the most sensible option for you is to carry on… in English. The strategy is known as “content-based language learning”: you pursue your own training in the target language. This means you will be interested in all the topics we discuss in class this year such as sign language, language disorders, variation, pragmatics, phonetics and phonology. You will also discover useful resources that learned societies have compiled for language scholars. Finally, you will learn to position yourself as a specialist-in-the-making and interact with fellow students. In the process, priority will be given to the following skills:

  • oral comprehension: screening documentary films and making sense of online talks ; behaving as a perceptive and supportive listener.
  • oral expression: presenting yourself and others professionally; interviewing people to learn about their work; talking about your own research skills and interests in English; giving oral presentations  with particular attention given to articulation, intonation and voice projection.
  • reading fluency: working your way through research papers and scholarly articles in English.
  • writing fluency: reusing existing material and established terminology / phraseology to produce your own authentic pieces of writing in linguistics and language education; developing a rich vocabulary for discussing language issues;  keeping a learning diary.
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Heures d'enseignement

  • Anglais - TDTravaux Dirigés24h

Informations complémentaires

Remise à niveau : le niveau de référence de cet enseignement est B2. Avec un niveau B1, du travail et l’aide de vos pairs, vous pourrez valider cet enseignement. Avec un niveau C1 ou C2, vous pourrez aller plus loin encore, en valorisant les ressources et les exercices de base proposés. (The prerequisite level for this course is B2, but you will survive with B1. C1 and C2 will be given opportunities to make the most of their skills and probe deeper into the matters we address).

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Lapaire, Jean-Rémi. “English for academic research: from private thinker to public vocalizer” In Alexandrova, Angelina et Schnedecker, Catherine (éditrices) Le doctorat en France: mode(s) d’emploi. Bruxelles: Peter Lang, 2018

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Compétences acquises


Niveau d'acquisition

Bloc de compétences transversales062 Communiquer à des fins de formation ou de transfert de connaissances, lors d'échanges professionnels, par oral et par écrit, en français et dans au moins une langue étrangèrex