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Régional geography Africa

  • ECTS

    5 crédits

  • Code Apogée


  • Composante(s)

    UFR Sciences des Territoires et de la Communication

  • Période de l'année

    Semestre 3


This seminar imparts basic knowledge of regional geography of developing and emerging countries in the global South (Africa, Asia or Latin America).

Based on concrete regional examples and by way of empirical case studies, trends of spatial development, spatial planning, and space-related conflicts are analyzed and put in a global context.

In this course, students will learn on the basis of many different empirical examples how specific local and regional social, economic and physical environments are interlinked and form specific living conditions that are interconnected with global processes.

The students are put in a position to associate idiographic and conceptual knowledge in regional geography and to abstract from the local and regional spatial live-worlds.

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Compétences acquises


Niveau d'acquisition

Bloc de compétences disciplinaires186 Développer une conscience critique des savoirs dans un domaine et/ou à l’interface de plusieurs domainesx