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Geography of environment and development

  • ECTS

    5 crédits

  • Code Apogée


  • Composante(s)

    UFR Sciences des Territoires et de la Communication

  • Période de l'année

    Semestre 3


This seminar provides an overview of theoretical and conceptual approaches in the areas of society, environment and development in order to achieve an interdisciplinary understanding of complex problems at the intersection of development and environment in the global South.

In this course, students acquire knowledge about theories, current trends and research approaches to gain an understanding of the environment-society- development nexus in the global South from an interdisciplinary perspective of Human and Physical Geography.

They acquire knowledge about key concepts for the study of both the physical and social dimensions of environmental change.

In this way, they learn how to assess environmental trends, environmental interventions and environmental governance as key factors in development discourse, politics and practice.

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Compétences acquises


Niveau d'acquisition

Bloc de compétences disciplinaires428 Mobiliser des savoirs hautement spécialisés comme base d’une pensée originale dans le domaine concernéx