10 crédits
Code Apogée
UFR Sciences des Territoires et de la Communication
Période de l'année
Semestre 3
Liste des enseignements
Au choix : 2 parmi 3
Tropical Agriculture et Sustainable Development
5 crédits
UFR Sciences des Territoires et de la Communication
Période de l'année
Semestre 1
The economic weight of the agricultural sector (30% of the GDP and 60% of the jobs) as well as its contribution to territorial development and identity building makes it tremendously important to analyse.
Moreover, because no other economic activity has the strength to reduce poverty the way agriculture does, Africa’s future partly relies on the capability of small-scale family farms to address demographic growth, urbanisation process and environmental challenges.
It is therefore crucial that students be made aware of the SWOT of agriculture changes, projects and policies.
They will observe and analyse different agriculture types and learn different research methods (RRA) or approaches (Livelihood approach or Terroir approach).
The goal is to understand scenarios towards the “Double green Revolution” and “smart agriculture” based on agro-ecological and GAP.
One of the sessions will rely on “Wat-a-Game” to understand how a simulation game can be useful for research as well as for sustainable development planning.
Demographic Growth and Social Challenges
5 crédits
UFR Sciences des Territoires et de la Communication
Période de l'année
Semestre 1
This course offers a set of case studies related to health issues in Africa.
It focuses on research and development issues, for example by questioning categories (programmatic, epidemiological, action categories).
It deals with various themes such as measures against HIV, measures about sexual health, female genital mutilation, and the management of acute malnutrition affecting young children.
It promotes research programs and partnerships between researchers and humanitarians to improve the health of populations.
Political and Security Challenges in Africa
5 crédits
UFR Sciences des Territoires et de la Communication
Période de l'année
Semestre 1
This course module provides the students with political science tools and theories to decipher politics and security issues in Africa.
A systematic investigation of those tools, theories and classification with case studies allows students to discuss both African situations and the capacity of models and theories to deal with those African situations.