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    UFR Langues et Civilisations

  • Période de l'année

    Semestre 6


This class is divided into two parts: six weeks on civilization, followed by six weeks on literature.

In civilization:

The course is about meetings – meetings between Europe and the "new world", and between Europeans and indigenous peoples – and about how European writers reacted to those meetings. In the Americas - north and south -, European explorers and colonists lived in a new landscape and, often, found themselves living alongside native populations. Sometimes the results of the meeting were positive, but very often they were not. In the six CM we shall explore some examples of these meetings and the reactions to them. Our aim is to try to see how the European “gaze” perceived and was affected by these encounters. In the TD, we shall look in detail at texts and images which document the contact and the reactions to it, and attempt to arrive at a more honest view of what the “great” British empire was actually like.

In literature:

This course is devoted to Indigenous Australian and Torres Strait Islander poetry. Testimonial Aboriginal life-writing has come to be seen as a distinct literary genre, which forms a part of the on-going process of reclaiming Aboriginal identity following the trauma of colonisation. We will focus on poetry to explore how Aboriginal life-writing uses traditional story-telling techniques and draws on collective memory to transcend the conventional Western genres of autobiography, history and poetry.

A course reader will be provided on e-campus containing the poems we will be studying in class, together with links to authors reading or performing some of their work and a detailed critical bibliography.

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Contrôle des connaissances

Session 1 :

  • Étudiants régime général : épreuve(s) écrite(s) de contrôle continu -commentaire/comparaison de documents
  • Etudiants régime spécial : écrit 3h

Session 2 :

Étudiants régime général et régime spécial : un oral de 15 mn (avec 30mn de préparation) : analyse de document(s)

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Informations complémentaires

Organisation des enseignements

1h CM et 1h30 TD : 6 semaines sur la civilisation, 6 semaines sur la littérature

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Ouvrages au programme :

A corpus of contemporary documents for study will be placed on e-campus. These will address the actions of radical groups as well government reactions to radical protest.

Bibliographie complémentaire :

A list of sources freely available online will be provided.



Bibliographie complémentaire :

  • Desert Pea Media: https://www.youtube.com/c/DesertPeaMedia
  • Wheeler, Belinda. A Companion to Australian Aboriginal Literature, Suffolk: Boydell & Brewer, 2013.
  • Whittaker, Alison.  Fire Front: First Nations poetry and power today. St Lucia: University of Queensland Press, 2020.
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