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Social activism in English-speaking countries

  • Code Apogée


  • Composante(s)

    UFR Langues et Civilisations

  • Période de l'année

    Semestre 4


This translation workshop will take place online in collaboration with a class of American students from Montclair State University (MSU), New Jersey, and their professor, Dr. Loysen. The class will be on Wednesday afternoons from 2:30 to 4:30 PM (8:30-10:30 AM New Jersey time) and require attendance, commitment and participation. You will be put in a small group with a Montclair student with whom you will translate and do research on activism on both sides of the Atlantic. You will be working together in your small group during and outside of class.

There will be several guests who will visit our workshop and work with us, among whom a certified court interpreter, a Translation Studies specialist on gender, a sociolinguist, and  MSU's Human Trafficking Center. You will also be introduced to a free language corpus analyzer software.

You will be graded on the translations and other assignments you are given, your participation, an individual bilingual weekly learning blog, and a final exam.

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Contrôle des connaissances

Session 1 :

  • Étudiants régime général : contrôle continu : L’évaluation se fera sur la base de la participation, des travaux collectifs produits, ainsi que sur un blog d’apprentissage hebdomadaire bilingue et un devoir sur table final individuel.
  • Étudiants régime spécial : écrit terminal 2 heures.

Session 2 (« rattrapage ») :

Étudiants régime général et régime spécial: Oral de 15 mn sur une traduction commentée, et/ou une question liée au thème du cours.

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Informations complémentaires

Organisation des enseignements

-2h TD/semaine pendant 12 semaines

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